Is Florida Governor Ron DeSantis copying Josef Stalin with his WOKE nonsense and whitewashing of history? That’s certainly what it looks like, directly in line with Josef Stalin’s actions when he took power in 1928, and soon after obtained absolute power over history. In 1934 The Communist Party Central Committee issued a decree calling for strict ideological version of history to become doctrine in all textbooks, schools, universities, and institutions. Stalin himself supervised writing and publication in a run of 50 million of the famous “Short Course”, an angry ideological tract that was, in the words of historian Genrikh Joffe, “like a hammer pounding nails of falsehood into every schoolboy’s and schoolgirl’s brain.” This was a textbook of deterministic history with all events leading, necessarily, inexorably, to a glorious conclusion: the rightness and might of the present regime. In such a text, history is free of inner struggles, of ambiguity and choice, of absurdity and tragedy. The Big Lie always has an unfailing internal logic, where opponents are revealed as enemies of the state. Sounds familiar, doesn’t it, not the least for a Red, authoritarian State like Florida! A warning sign in itself?

Certainly, a fine example to follow, Governor, trying to hide the horrible atrocities of White Christians, and what Catholic clergy are still doing to innocent children, – children left to suffer in the dirty claws and twisted minds of the clergy by ignorant, irresponsible and easily fooled religious parents.

(Thank you, David Romnick, for your 1993 Pulitzer Prize winning “Lenin’s Tomb”!)

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