Donald Trump’s faithful followers claim that he has delivered what he promised, and what they elected him for! Really? Besides tearing apart long-standing agreements and undermining relationships with our foreign friends, what has he done? He promised reduced spending, while budget deficits are skyrocketing. President Obama was able to reduce the deficits! Trump promised job growth, which has now come to a grinding halt, with overall results not even close to his predecessor’s. The improved race relations he promised have deteriorated badly, while our reputation around the world as an educated democracy is badly tarnished.
While claiming to be a “stable genius” and bragging about having been a superior student, he has gone to great lengths to make sure that no grades are published. His claimed negotiating skills have become the joke around the world, while he himself has become a laughingstock that no one takes seriously anymore. He is a certified liar who engages in childish name calling and unpresidential mocking of his opposition. He has trouble finding and keeping cabinet members and do not listen to those who try to do their job, claiming that he trusts his gut feeling and that he knows everything better than anybody else, military experts and scientists included.
Fool us once, shame on you, Mr. Trump! Fool us again, shame on us!

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