What has happened to yesterday’s Grand Old Party, before Trump turned it into his own personal cult, with obedient members following him faithfully no matter what, like a religious preacher?  The Republican party has been in steady decline, so what are they doing, besides following Trump straight off the proverbial cliff?

Instead of being honest and admit they have nothing to offer, they resist everything Democrats try to implement for the benefit of all. It started at President Obama’s 09-inauguration, when Mitch McConnel declared their main goal was to make Obama a one-term president, with compact effort to resist him on all fronts, no matter what. Despite that, Obama got us out of the mess left by his Republican predecessor, improved world respect, and handed off a better country to his Republican successor, who managed to destroy it all, including $8 trillion debt and making the Covid epidemic much worse by advocating against vaccination and masks, while ignoring the epidemic response-manual Obama left, and instead advocating a Trump-invented “medication” that killed an extra 17000 people. Even when a Senate-agreement has been reached, Out-of-office Trump will nix it if it makes him look bad, and Biden good! No understanding of what Trump has done, compared to Biden’s booming economy, beating his Republican predecessor hands down?

What happened to the good old idea of working together, or at least staying out of it when you have nothing to offer, and let those who do, do what they were elected to do, especially when successful?

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Allan Ward
Allan Ward
8 months ago

“Don’t hate your enemies. It leads to bad judgment”.
Michael Corleone, Godfather III

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