Republicanism is indeed a lost cult!

The Grand Old Party has deteriorated into a shameless cult run by liars, with a convicted criminal at the very top as the undisputed guru to be blindly followed, no matter what.

What is it about Donald Trump that makes so many follow him so blindly, despite all his faults and shortcomings? Or could his lying, cheating and total lack of morality be the main reason why so many are attracted to him, making themselves feel more acceptable? What kind of appeal can a convicted rapist have among real men, – even among women? While real leaders like former President Obama attract the more intelligent and better educated, someone as intellectually limited and relatively poorly educated as Trump, tends to attract the same kind.

With no workable program, no platform, and no positive contribution, what has the Grand Old Party declined to, other than a Gray Outdated Paradigm?

How can anyone in his or her right mind even vote Republican anymore? Besides two disastrous Republican administrations during the last 20 years or so, all they have had to offer has been compact obstruction of the Democratic administrations cleaning up after Republican mismanagement. They haven’t even made a secret of their plan of destruction. No sooner had President Obama been inaugurated, when Mitch McConnell and his co-conspirators set as their #1 objective to make the new President a one-termer and obstruct absolutely everything he would try to accomplish, weather they had themselves been in favor of it before, or not, whether or not it was good for the country, no matter what it was. What kind of attitude is that? What about cooperation for a common good, for the sake of the country, for overall betterment, – especially after a Republican administration having left a royal mess, including two totally unnecessary wars started by Bush Jr. because an imaginary voice inside his head told him to?

And it got worse from there. No end to the lying, misrepresentation, made-up derogatory stories, even a deadly, destructive attack on the US Capitol, instigated and encouraged by Trump himself in a frantic attempt at saving the presidential protection that allowed him to avoid prosecution and prison, so far. Now, it turns out he has even stolen top secret governmental documents, and stored them unsecured in his home, with many documents apparently gone, – somewhere! What he intended to do with all the stolen goods is anybody’s guess, so far.  That idiot even claimed he had de-classified the documents just by thinking about it! As if even de-classification would make the theft legal!

How can so many be so insanely stupid that they still support this traitor? Bad enough, of course, to be stupid enough to vote for such an incompetent liar in the first place, – but still supporting him after all he has done? Is this the ultimate result of the dumbing down of America? I’m afraid there is no cure for such lack of basic intellect, but we should at least get rid of the Electoral College, which made it possible for the last two Republicans to be voted in to the WH with only a minority backing, – obviously the least informed and not so bright part of the population!

Trump isn’t even big enough to accept losing an election! How will he react if in the next election he loses against a woman, even a colored, former female prosecutor? Will he call upon his followers to start another civil war?

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