GOP’ed in stupidity

One would think that most Republicans should have learned something from the disastrous George W. Bush administration, but apparently not much, if anything at all. Even after the very successful Obama administration, they seemed more than eager to try their outdated stunt again, with a candidate even less qualified than Bush Jr., a clown like Donald J. Trump! With the 2016 election in all likelihood rigged somewhat by foreign adversaries who wanted someone so easily manipulated and controlled as Trump, he only “won” by a bewildered minority thanks to the Electoral College, which discards minority votes in all states, counting only EC points.

And after another disastrous Republican administration, bringing us close to yet another unnecessary war, they want this vengeful idiot to run again! Are they really that stupid, or is the intention to run the country clear off the cliff, which another Trump period would certainly do! If, heaven forbid, Trump should make it again, with the help of the Electoral College and the usual Republican voter suppression and other forms of cheating, we would be facing what might mean the end of times for the United States. The brightest and most honest Republicans have already left the Grand Old Party, but how incredibly dumb can the rest be? Their main objective seems to be to destroy as much as they can of Democratic accomplishments, while doing their darndest to obstruct anything Democrats try to accomplish, regardless how much it would benefit the country, or certain segments lagging behind. And if it weren’t enough that some 70 million mal informed, irresponsible people voted for Trump in 2020, they still claim it was rigged against him, – by whom? What incredible nonsense!

What does the religiously infested Republican Cult have to offer, besides denial of voting rights and women’s right to control their own body, incompetent congressional members, lack of gun control, war mongery including war on Disney World, science denial, sick Woke jokes, and silly banning of children’s books, while promoting the bible, the worst collection of made-up, scary stories ever cooked up. In the more progressive countries in Europe, especially the Nordic countries, religion isn’t even worth discussing any more, like any other form of superstition.

Can anyone suggest even a single positive contribution from the more recent past, current, or promise by future Republican administrations? Anything? Even a single little positive something?

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