The Mueller report clearly stated that Trump committed, or, attempted to commit obstruction of justice 10 times. The report also spells out all of the “substantial evidence” to charge Trump and get an indictment. The Democrats in the House of Representatives must start the impeachment process immediately. No more delays. No more excuses like: It will divide the country (our country already is divided by Trump). No more: The Republican controlled Senate will never vote for it (who cares?). And, no more: It will hurt the Democrats’ chances of election or re-election in Congress in 2020 (if anything, it will actually help the Democrats politically in 2020 and beyond).
Trump and the Republicans think that the Democrats are wimps and won’t do anything about it. But, the Democrats need to show America and the world, that they do have the guts and brains to enforce the rule of law and the U.S. Constitution once and for all. If the Democrats don’t start the impeachment process and threaten to jail anyone who defies congressional subpoenas, then Trump and Attorney General William Barr will continue to violate the law and the U.S. Constitution every day, for the rest of Trump’s time in office. Impeach Trump. Jail Barr. Back to New Post
A steadily growing majority agree with you, Michael! It is amazing, and rather shocking, though, to see how low regard the Trump followers have for the office of the US Presidency! They think it is perfectly OK, even desirable, to man the most important office in the world with a habitual liar, someone rather uneducated and unqualified for the job, a science denier who barely reads and who berates our own departments and instead listens to foreign dictators, – a WH occupant that has made himself a laughingstock around the world without the respect his predecessor earned, and who now has been found to obstruct justice in an attempt at protecting himself and the wrong doings of his poorly picked co-conspirators, – not to mention the awful moral example he has been setting, especially by his unmanly behavior towards women. What an embarrassment for the country!
From a Trump supporter (name withheld for protection): Mr. Oberg, I doubt House Democrats are bright enough to indict a ham sandwich – they would be fighting over the definition of ham, and sandwich. As long as Dems keep chasing their tails, America is in a much better place. I’m looking forward to the continued drip of Liar-in-Chief Obama’s role in spying on Trump’s campaign and his administration’s violations of the law. And surprise, surprise, I figured this LTE would bring out the usual JUNC men (JustMike650’s Usual Nonsense Comment and Jorg’s Uncorroborated Nutty Creations).