Guest Post: LET THE KIDS LEARN, by Roberta Nice

(From SM Daily Journal, 7/26/23)


The United States of America has made many serious mistakes building this country and these mistakes should not be hidden from our next generation. Let them learn from our mistakes so they do not repeat them. To keep this information out of our schools is simply wrong.

We started these mistakes by killing the Indians and taking their land. We considered them subhuman and thought killing them was okay. We welcomed black slavery and again considered them below humans. We could kill them without punishment. We brought the Chinese over to help build our railroads, treated them wrong then sent them back after we were through with them not giving them a choice to stay. We put our Japanese citizens in camps and took their possessions and properties without consulting them thinking it was right. We took most of the west from the Mexicans because we wanted it and thought it was right.

Our generation does not have the right to keep the knowledge from the next generation, our children both have the right and need to learn this so they won’t repeat it. America is great but let’s let the next generation learn how we got there so they can understand why certain cultures feel the way they do. Only education and true knowledge can bring on much needed changes. Banning books and hiding history is just plain wrong.

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