Guest post: Lies, Lies and more Lies, by Doug Jett

Donald J. Trump is sick and we need to promote that indisputable fact!
To finally accept that this man is a clinical narcissist, means no longer being shocked or surprised at anything he says and does. Narcissism is a disorder. It’s an abnormality. Narcissists don’t think the way most of us do. They are completely self-absorbed. Whatever they do is for self-aggrandizement and self-preservation. One of the main symptoms of that inner disturbance is pathological lying–even believing one’s own lies. Another is lack of empathy and compassion. And still another is refusal to admit to making mistakes or doing anything wrong. That’s the reason for chronic scapegoating and finding others to blame. He can’t be wrong, he’s perfect. Thus, this electorally elected incompetent misfit is, without restraint, capable of making decisions that causes untold pain and suffering at our border, yet can sleep well at night without a shred of guilt, while the rest of us toss and turn. People like that should not be leader in a democracy. Their best fit is a Banana Republic. And those who are turning a blind eye to his destructive antics are co-creators with him of the domestic/global debacles and challenges to our institutions, principles and values. And even to the world order. What more will it take until the I word is considered, impeachment. This unwell man, is simply not sufficiently stable to hold this daunting life/death position. A mental status exam would undoubtedly prove that point..

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Al Ward
Al Ward
6 years ago

Is this an analysis by an expert qualified to make such a diagnosis, such as a psychiatrist?
Or is Doug Jett just another of the millions of Trump haters? I’d be interested to know.

Al Ward
Al Ward
6 years ago

I do not disagree with many of the negative assessments of President Trump’s behavior which are found everywhere. However I find assumptions of clinically diagnosed psychotic disorder to be arrogantly presumptive. His extreme, often vulgar, often contradictory, seemingly erratic statements and actions have been a path to success for him. His detractors may think he is crazy but perhaps he is crazy like a fox.

Al Ward
Al Ward
6 years ago

Jorg, the original topic of this thread was not “Trump’s success”, but rather, “Donald J Trump is sick”, meaning he is diagnosed as clinically psychotic.

Since you have changed the topic to be a definition of Trump’s success, please allow me to address that.

He is a man who quite possibly entered the Republican Primaries as a lark.
Without spending any significant amount of his own money, by behaving like a bull in a china shop and bulldozing the Republican Establishment, to everyone’s amazement he wound up with the Republican nomination.

He won the nomination using BS and insults (showmanship) to capitalize on voter’s resentment of the arrogance held towards them by establishment politicians and bureaucrats, the media, and the intellectual elites.

He defeated Hillary in the election by doubling down on what he did to win the Primaries.
In short, he is President because he understood how fed up a huge segment of the population was with the political status quo in Washington.
If you discount California, he won the plurality of votes, not just the electoral college.

That is his success, whether or not you and I approve of it.

However buffoonish his showmanship may appear, it is what he knows how to do.
That does not prove that he is certifiably a clinical psychopath.

Although they knew what they were getting, millions of intelligent thoughtful voters held their noses and helped elect him because the alternative choice was even more repugnant to them.
They held the HOPE that he’d remove the showman’s hat and apply himself to the serious job of POTUS.

He is continuing to do what he knows how to do:
Schoolyard insults and bullying.
Exploiting his supporters’ resentment of being labelled as gullible, uneducated bigots.
Contradicting himself with a stream of BS…what some call lies and the rest understand to be nothing more than just BS.
Attempting to negotiate foreign and domestic affairs as though they are big-time real estate deals.

Time will tell.

Al Ward
Al Ward
6 years ago

What has given you the idea that I am a Trump supporter???

You can go back over all of the Progressive Opinion Express comments that I have posted over the many months since Trump appeared on the political scene, and I am confident that you will not find one sentence that indicates that I support him…unless you take my words out of context.

In the many comments that I have posted (including the one that you censored a few months ago), I have been attempting to explain to you the factors (as I understand them) that led to Trump’s ascendancy to POTUS.

I’ve done this because a consistently dominant theme in many of your postings is an insulting dismissal of the intelligence and motives of 46.1% of those Americans who voted.
I have been trying to help you understand that there is more to it than just stupidity and racism.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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