Guest post: Our Expiration date? By Mike Caggiano

Has our democracy of 240 years reached its expiration date? I see with a bit of embarrassment that our current president addressed what was called a “democracy summit” with a call to aid other nations to build, expand and encourage others in resisting what many see as a chronic democratic backsliding in many areas of the world. We in the United States have seen two recent elections where one party garnered the majority of the popular votes yet surrendered power to another party which was declared the winner by our courts and the electoral collage (a bizarre and unique system). Yet when that same party lost the popular vote by an even larger margin in 2020 and was declared the losers by that same unique mechanism, that same party which benefited from having the other party submit to the rules then refused to admit their loss in turn. We now see our 240 year experiment in real jeopardy.

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