Guest Post: Republican voter suppression laws. By Michael Oberg, San Mateo, CA

During the last few months, the Republican Party has announced to the people of America and the world, that Republicans can’t win elections without lying, cheating, breaking the law and violating the U.S. Constitution. In many states that have Republican-controlled state legislatures, Republicans have passed voter suppression laws that include restricting or eliminating early voting periods, mail-in absentee ballots and the number of voting locations. They even have a law against giving a person a drink of water when they are standing in line to vote. None of these laws have anything to do with voter ID.

The Republican Party has clearly demonstrated that it is only interested in what will benefit themselves, its political party and its failed leader Trump, and that they don’t care about what is best for America and the American people. Plus, they don’t care what people think about it either. All of these voter suppression laws will eventually be thrown out by a court of law, because they are racist, divisive, discriminatory, illegal and unconstitutional.

A second Republican strategy is to get as many Republicans elected as secretary of state and county-level elections officers, so they can control the outcome of elections by throwing out ballots that they don’t like. All of these unconstitutional and anti-democracy strategies must be stopped immediately.

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Ray Fowler
Ray Fowler
3 years ago

It hardly looks like voter suppression is afoot when you see that the Republicans lost five points and Democrats gained five points over the past three election cycles. But wait a minute… what about minorities? OK. 58.8% of white voters went to the polls in 2020 compared to 58.6% of black voters. Wow.., a difference of .2% (note the decimal point)… that’s some serious voter suppression.

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