Guest post: Right-wing lying and cheating, by Michael Oberg

Republicans claim that everything they have done since the Jan. 6 insurrection, has been legal and constitutional. So, when Republicans in Republican-controlled states vote to strip the local and state elections commissioners of their legal authority to count ballots, and the Republicans assume that authority, to control the counting of votes, that’s legal?

When Republicans vote in states they control, to eliminate or restrict the use of mail-in/absentee ballots, that’s legal? When Republicans eliminate or restrict the use of drop-off ballot boxes, that’s legal? When Republicans eliminate or reduce the number of voting locations, especially in low income and communities of color, that’s legal? When Republicans eliminate voting on Sunday after church, which many communities of color have been doing for decades, that’s legal? When Republicans vote to restrict and reduce hours of voting locations, that’s legal? When Republicans vote into state law voter suppression laws, to reduce the votes for Democrats from low income and communities of color, by making it harder for these Americans to vote, that is legal, and not racists and discriminatory?

And, let’s not forget, Trump and his Right-wing Republican supporters in Congress, were part of the insurrection on Jan. 6, and continue to this day to deny or downplay their roles!

(Edited after first published in San Mateo Daily Journal, Jan. 11, 2022)

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