1) Why is Trump such a bumbling idiot when dealing with this national emergency?

2) Why did Trump ignore the intelligence reports about the corona-virus back in 2019, and continued to do so way into 2020?

3) Trump’s delay in responding to the information about the corona-virus resulted in the lack of sufficient numbers of personal protective equipment, vital test kits, and the research and development of a vaccine, which has resulted in more American deaths.

4) Trump’s chaotic, fragmented, ignorant verbal responses, suggestions, orders, like recommending the use a malaria drug or the injection of a disinfectant, are the reasons for the chaos, panic, confusion, frustration and hoarding.

5) Trump’s lack of leadership, management and organization skills will make this pandemic last longer than it has to.

6) Trump’s lack of empathy, confidence, knowledge and remorse for the deaths of Americans, makes people not have any confidence in him or the federal government and that they feel they are on their own during this crisis.

7) Trump fired or pushed aside scientists and other experts involved in the Pandemic calamity, as soon as they expressed a different opinion than his insane, uneducated ramblings.

8) Trump keeps blaming former President Obama for his own failure to prepare for the pandemic, while his predecessor handed him detailed instructions based upon the experience from the much better handled Ebola pandemic, all of which Trump ignored. 

9) Trump called back our pandemic oriented scientists who worked in Chinese labs, fired key personnel and de-funded CDC, and withdrew from the WHO at a time when world cooperation was most needed.

10) Finally, Trump should be charged with malpractice, both for mishandling the US Constitution, and for dispensing medical advice without a license!

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