What on flat Earth is wrong with Republicans, – or should we more appropriately call them REPUBICANS? The latest act by those who lied themselves into the Supreme Court is absurd, – as if women all of a sudden do not have the right to control their own anatomy?!

What’s wrong with these people? What right do they have to take away a woman’s right to control her own body, even forcing her to be stuck with unwanted pregnancies, including the result of rape and incest, – regardless of age? With the exception of a single religion infested woman on the court, the other four were men, with the nerve to take away such an obvious right, which has been the law even in this backwards country for half a century? Do these guys have a problem with women? Not very successful, perhaps, with some sore feelings, after being rejected? At least one of them is a rapist, like the sorry excuse for a US president who placed them on the high court, – Trumputin.

Are the NRA and the gun industry behind it all? There is no doubt that unwanted children are far more likely to get in trouble, than those who are wanted in stable family conditions. If we look at the young guys behind most of the mass shootings, they are clearly not from stable families with two caring parents. Those are more likely to acquire weapons and carry out assaults, which again result in more weapons purchased by those who feel that the more weapons they have, the safer they are. Result: increased gun sales, the overriding goal of the NRA!

This is how arbitrary the whole process was: The majority of voters did not want Donald J. Trump, who was only selected thanks to the outdated Electoral College system, despite his many bankruptcies, questionable morality, rape accusations, and a documented history of p-grabbing, that he even bragged about, – in addition to bragging internationally about being able to recall 5 simple little words!. Despite his embarrassing background as a spoiled brat, he was backed by white evangelicals and some foreign US adversaries. Thanks to a very dishonest Republican Senator, Mitch McConnell, President Obama was denied his SCOTUS replacement when Justice Scalia died, with the explanation that almost a year before the next election was too close, while Justice Ginsberg’s replacement was hurried through in weeks, so Trump could appoint her replacement, – before he was finally booted out of office. All three judges appointed by Trump lied re. Roe v. Wade, implying it was a settled law that couldn’t be touched, only to turn around and remove it first chance they got! Religious hypocrisy and dishonesty at its best! Without batting an eye, Trump declared that “God did it!” His fantasy figure arranged the Ukraine war, too? Yeah.

Even a banana republic would be ashamed of such a track record.

There is a very simple solution: If you are against abortions, don’t have one yourself, not even if it might cost you your life.

Ps.: Feel free to copy and republish any part or all of this under your own name. The important thing is to spread the truth. Although not necessary, a small donation would be appreciated, in which case it will go to Planned Parenthood and charities.

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