What would have been the consequences of no Electoral College, which means that the US President would have been elected by the majority of US citizens?

George W. Bush would not have been elected, which means no Afghanistan and Iraq wars, and 9/11 possibly avoided, since warning signs would have been followed and intercepted documents with clues would have been translated in time, instead of Arabic speaking US students at the Monterey Institute of Foreign Languages fired because they were gay.

Donald J. Trump would not have been elected, which means a more effective, sensible and science based approach to the Covid pandemic, with far fewer deaths, using the guidelines passed on by the Obama administration.

No big lie about voter fraud, no support and encouragement of antisocial groups, and election workers and their families left alone and not threatened.

No Jan. 6 insurrection or coup attempt, and no subsequent Jan. 6 Committee hearings.

A less religious and more balanced Supreme Court, without a membership stolen from President Obama and three filled with religious liars. The result would be most needed better gun control, and less risk of overturning Roe v. Wade, leaving women in control of their own bodies, as has been the case for the last half century.

The world respect rebuilt by President Obama, would have been retained and his legacy preserved, rather than demolished, while more honest Republicans would not be catering to Trump’s fragile ego, and instead focusing on their congressional jobs.

A better, more moral example for the rest of the world, Putin less emboldened, with Ukraine war less likely, and recent ever-lasting stain of shame on our Democracy would have been avoided!

The previously revered Presidential Pardon would not have been abused and misused to the degree Trump did.

And, finally, no more phony State Elector games! Just add up the numbers, regardless from which state they came. Can’t be simpler and more straight forward than that!

Without the help of the Electoral College, Republicans can no longer get their favorite into the White House, – the overriding reason to get rid of this anachronism. And just perhaps, when or if realizing they can’t get back in the WH anymore, Republicans might be willing to cooperate with Democrats, for the sake of the country, and not work against, as they have been doing, with no regard for the damage done.

Which prompts the question: what are the offsetting advantages of the Electoral College, other than keeping minority-based Republicans in majority opposed power?

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