MAGA: Make A Great A+

Yes, being both above the law and above any graders, Donald Trump has a habit of grading himself, – and nothing lower than A+ will ever do, like his self-imposed grade for lack luster rescue effort during the Puerto Rico Maria Hurricane last year. Never mind his lack of knowledge that this is an American territory with mostly American citizens, – he still feels that an A+ in geography and American history is what he deserves, – even higher if it hadn’t been for Mueller’s unfair witch hunt. That should make us wonder how his grades were for his rather low-level education, – unless his Dad paid for some badly needed upgrades? There are no records of him being anywhere near a good student, while he claims that he was a top graduate! Not very likely if we listen to his rather uneducated speeches, his lack of common knowledge, his distaste for science and lack of logical thought process.
But, to be fair, Trump deserves an A+ for his paper towel toss exhibition for the Puerto Ricans last year! What skill, and how presidential, – almost rivaling President Obama’s basket ball skills! While we’re at it, let’s toss in an A+ for Trump’s name calling efforts as well. No one can do that better than him, – not even an elementary school bully, – flunking math and science, in adition to basic grammar.

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