My book: Dear Editor & Beyond: WWW Improving the World With Words

Dear Blog Subscribers!

Be the first ones to check out my new book now available as a download at for $2.99, a price set deliberately low in order to reach as vast an audience as possible, especially before the US Mid-term election Nov. 8. With that in mind, I am working with a large number of socially leaning organizations to help us spread the word.

The book is mainly a collection of what I have written and published over the last 20+ years, with contributions from like-minded, socially oriented, and democratically leaning freelancers. It will soon also be available as a paperback.

This book contains progressive opinions about lots of issues, both previously published as editorials and letters to various newspaper editors (LTEs), or as radio talk show contributions and unpublished pieces of writing, – all free to be copied and published under your own name or pseudonym, used “as-is”, or modified, changed, expanded, or embellished and improved upon as you see fit to promote the ideas presented in this book. The overall intention is to spread the progressive, democratic opinions advocated here, for the common good and advancement of equal rights and a better society, and perhaps a better government for us all! 

Whether you get published or not, just forward your piece to:, to be included in my next book, with your name and the paper that published it, if any. It will be available at Amazon as an inexpensive paperback. That might be a nice gift for your friends, – or as a teaser for someone disagreeing with you! Perhaps you may even enlighten someone! Who knows.

Here’s the

Table of contents

Chapter  1   Introduction………………………….………………………3

Chapter  2   Family Planning & Abortion Rights…….…………………4 

Chapter  3   War on Women……………………………………..………8
Chapter  4   Democratic Voting v. Electoral College…………..…….12

Chapter  5   Climate Change & Man’s Contribution………………….25

Chapter  6   Dangerous Stupidity………………………………………30

Chapter  7   Gun Control – Why Not?………………………………………..39

Chapter  8   Health Care – A Huan Right……………………………..50

Chapter  9  The Gay/Lesbian Agenda…………………………………54
Chapter 10 Circumcision – The Cruelest Cut………….……………..58

Chapter 11  Religionism & Morality……………………………………64
Chapter 12  Faith, Belief & Twisted Views……………………………72

Chapter 13  Praying Life Away – For What?………………………………80

Chapter 14  Humanism, Atheism & Moral Issues……………………82
Chapter 15  Supreme Court & Disorder………………………………87
Chapter 16  The Secular constitution…………………………………91
Chapter 17  Republicanism>Authoritarianism>Trumpism………….92       

Chapter 18  Jobs, – or What?…………………………………………………119

Chapter 19  Taxation and Republican Confusion………………….121

Chapter 20  GOP – a Gray Cult out of Touch………………………124
Chapter 21  A Gallery of Repubs…………………………………….131
Chapter 22  Socialism vs. Capitalism………………………………..133

Chapter 23  Social Security Secure………………………………….138

Chapter 24  President Obama’s Legacy…………………………….138

Chapter 25  Unpresidential Trump’s Legacy?…………………………..144
Chapter 26  Presidential Requirements……………………………..154
Chapter 27  Mitt Romney’s Qualifications…………………………..155
Chapter 28  Torture: Illegal!…………………………………………………..157

Chapter 29  Military Problems……………………………………….160
Chapter 30  Atheist Pat Tillman’s Fate……………………………..164

Chapter 31  “Cathoholycism”…………………………………………165
Chapter 32  9/11, Islam & Terrorism………………………………. 168
Chapter 33  “Christmas” Hijacked……………………..……………174

Chapter 34  Crossing Guards  & Traffic Safety……………………176
Chapter 35  Advice on Writing an LTE……………………………..194

Good reading and thank you for your support of issued so important for the safety and welfare for us all!


Jorg Aadahl

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