As the title of the blog implies, this is my personal opinion, mainly about current affairs, which so far has reached thousands of people in dozens of countries on all continents. It is my honest opinion, not someone else’s. I do accept, and will publish, reader opinions, even counter opinions, provided they relate to the topic at hand, are relatively short and written in a way that makes sense and adds some further insight. I have rejected inputs that didn’t relate, as well as ideas promoting too extreme viewpoints, left or right. Instead, I’m trying to promote ideas and visions that I believe will further inter-human understanding, peace and international friendships. And, yes, I am partial and I promote progressive ideas and countries, while it is my opinion that the more conservative is contrary to the best human interests. I have actually been asked, if I value my own opinion more than the opposition! Yes, I do!

Some have tried to use the response option to advertise their own merchandise and other personal stuff. That is not acceptable. The donations many of you so generously have made, I have doubled and donated to worthy causes, like SPCA, ACLU, SPLC, St. Jude, ALOIS, humanist societies, and others catering to children in need. To be honest, I may not be able to double the transfer to these worthy organizations if your donations become even more generous! But, if you don’t believe in the work these institutions do, don’t donate, but feel free to comment anyway. If what you write, makes sense, and has a wider interest, I’ll publish it. But if you try to defend Putin or our homegrown quisling, Trumputin, it will be rejected, – unless it is so laughable that it exposes how ridiculous his right-wing, gullible and uneducated supporters are. And, as you may remember, Hitler-supporter and Nazi collaborator Vidkun Quisling, was charged with high treason and executed back in 1945. Is history about to repeat itself? Donald Trump is considered at least a useful idiot by our foreign adversaries, and it is anybody’s guess what kind of national secrets he may have shared with his idol in Russia. It is absolutely mindboggling that so many right-wingers still support him, despite all the damage he has done. Remember the old saying: if we ignore history, we are likely to repeat it, – especially the worst parts.

And let’s never forget, that wars in modern times are started by right-wingers, often supported by religion, directly or indirectly! That’s a dangerous combination.

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