For the upcoming debate between incumbent Donald J. Trump and the Democratic nominee, I wish and hope that the moderators will nail Trump with Corona related questions like:

  1. What was the rational behind abolishing the pandemic oriented arm of CDC established by President Obama after the Ebola pandemic, because he realized we ought to be better prepared for the next one?
  2. Knowing now how the Corona virus has spread, was that a wise decision, or do you now regret that you reduced the CDC’s capability to handle the virus attack?
  3. Will the pandemic arm of CDC be restored in line with President Obama’s order, so that we’re better prepared for the next virus attack, which your own science advisers say we can expect?
  4. When the Corona epidemic broke out, you advised people that there was nothing to worry about and that it would soon disappear, while claiming later that you knew it would be a serious pandemic before anybody else. What was that based on?
  5. Do you realize now the damage caused by not being better prepared, and by issuing false and misleading information, – while you gave yourself a “10” for how you handled it all?
  6. What kind of blunders would you have had to make, for you to give yourself a ‘0’ instead?
  7. And, for the Democratic nominee: What’s your assessment of how the Corona pandemic was handled by the Government, and what would you have done differently?
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