In Norwegian High School, more appropriately called Gymnasium in Europe, we had lots of American history, from Leif Eriksen’s discovery of this “Indian” country around 1000AD, via slavery, the Civil war and US’ help to win WWII and wipe Europe clean of fascism. That was a war where especially captured black soldiers were treated horribly by the Nazis, while surviving black soldiers were denied GI benefits. We also learned how the two major parties switched platforms, beginning with democratically leaning Republican President Lincoln, and accelerating from Franklin Roosevelt’s social programs and those that followed to promote democratic values, all resisted by Republicans to this day.

I remember stories about lynching of black people, stories that floored us HS students, made even more revolting by reasons so flimsy that it was enough for a white girl to complain about a black boy whistling after her, – whether or not she was an obvious whistling temptation.

Sometime after arriving in the US, I got into a discussion with some die-hard Republicans about alleged inferiority of black people, to which I objected, relating my experiences with good examples, vs. some not so good regarding white reps of the human race. This statement was supposed to nail me: “But Jorg, what if you had a daughter, who dragged home an uneducated, lazy slob of a nigger?” To which I responded: “Why on Earth would I have a daughter who “dragged home an uneducated, lazy slob”, of any color, including white?

Even I, a pure-bread Nordic white, has been mistaken for a black person, based on a small photo of suntanned me on a right-wing website, next to some truthful statements I made about the worst WH inhabitant in modern times, the rather racist Donald Trump. This commentator obviously knew everything about me, nailing me down pat (no misspelling or grammar corrected in the following):

maddog0311: Truly it pains me to say Jorg37, but you sir are a very ugly prejudice narrow minded, moronic bigot. Our greatest of all presidents, i.e., President Donald J. Trump, has put your people, the black people, back to work at a full employment as never before experienced in this or any other country on earth. You black folks are working, earning money for your labor (instead of being slaves like you were born to be) now, just like us “White Privileged” folks, a few of you are sitting in the tall cotton. I frankly find employing blacks deplorable and wish Trump wouldn’t have done that! It will put money in your hands and it’s a real fifthly shame because most of the money will go to the liquor stores and drug dealer’s instead of helping your little black niglets buy more drugs with so they can get high and kill more blacks! But you’ve probably already walked out on your family anyway, haven’t you? I read where a Walmart store was robbed last night by a gang of blacks, they took everything in the store except “Father’s Day”, Hallmark Cards. Jorg37 you couldn’t be more right, someone is full of it, but its you my stinky little black stupid, utterly worthless, friend you are the one that’s full of shit. Instead of getting on your knees and thanking our President, and kissing his feet in gratitude, because he put your people to work, you bad mouth him, very smart of you! If I were this President, I’d hunt you down and force those filthy freaken words down you black stinking throat along with your teeth! Get a life, nigger, grow up, better yet try to get a job like the rest of us caring, tolerant, open minded, kindhearted, loving white folks! I now understand why the KKK was started and exists yet today. And I completely understand the Down Southern style hospitality of black boy lynchings of the 60’s. They say it was fun to watch buckwheat dance to the tune of the “Hangman’s Jig”, I now understand why it was so much fun for those southern boys to up-lift or lift-up, Buckwheat, Tyrone, and Rasmus, and give their black necks a little stretching. I long for the return of the good old days and so do all my white friend’s Jorg, you ought to watch what you say, the sins we do 1 by 1 come back to haunt us two by two, know what I mean Jorg? The day is coming quickly when we’ll have had enough of your crap, and we’ll put an end to it. You morons are 12% of the population, we are 85%, now we’ve about had it with you and your mouth.

If that’s not racism, what is? Lynching, or just old-fashioned voter restrictions, made so popular by Republicans?

As a middle level manager for a large US airline, I had the great opportunity and distinct pleasure of promoting a black professional from my group to a major position at the company’s HQ. He got the job, did great, and was very happy about it all. However, I was severely criticized by top management for not having reported him as a minority promotion! I did that on purpose, because I didn’t want him to be left with the stigma that he was promoted because he was from a minority group. I promoted him solely because he was the best one suited for the job!

This story and more you’ll find in my book “Dear Editor & Beyond”, available as paperback at www.Amazon.com.

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Ray Fowler
Ray Fowler
1 year ago

Wow… a lesson in racism from a self-described “pure-bred Nordic white.”

Jorg, your understanding of American history is woefully deficient. You have made claims in the past that the two major American political parties switched platforms. I sent you a rebuttal with many, many facts to debunk your claim. Did you offer any factual information to support your position? No.

Let’s look at just one example… you want to suggest that things changed with respect to racism in America with FDR’s social programs. FDR’s administration codified red-lining to keep Blacks from buying homes in White neighborhoods, FDR’s New Deal work programs paid Black workers less than White workers for the same jobs, and FDR did not endorse anti-lynching legislation because he did not want to lose political support from fellow Democrats. All this was known to you before you posted today your view on racism in America.

Oh, yes… one more tidbit re: FDR… he did not congratulate 4-time gold medalist US Olympic athlete Jesse Owens in 1936, however, FDR did invite the 1936 White Olympic team members to the White House. You can consult with your “Miss Google” to confirm these facts.

It will take courage to print my comments without censoring them. I welcome any challenge on this topic from you or any others who read your blog.

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