On a somewhat right-wing leaning web site, praising Trump as a God-appointed savior, I offered this comment:

Jorg37: Trump is so full of it, – totally shameless narcissist! But, how can anyone in his right mind support this character anymore, after all the absolutely stupid things he has said and done? How small minded and unpresidential! Will we be able to find someone with President Obama’s capability to clean up the mess this moron leaves? It was bad enough after the former Republican incompetent, “W”, which Obama cleaned up, but this is much worse, already after 2 years?

A small photo of me showed a deep sun tan, which inspired the following outburst:

Truly it pains me to say Jorg37, but you sir are a very ugly prejudice narrow minded bigot. Our greatest of all presidents, i.e., President Donald J. Trump, has put your people, black people, back to work at a limit never before experienced in this or any other country on earth. You black folks are working, earning money for your labor now just like us “White Privileged” folks, which I frankly find deplorable and wish Trump wouldn’t have done that. It will put money in your hands and its a shame most of it will go to the liquor stores and drug dealer’s instead of helping your little black niglets, but you’ve probably already walked out of them anyway. Jorg37 you couldn’t be more right, someone is full of it, but its you my stinky little black worthless friend that is full o f it, instead of getting on your knees and thanking our President you bad mouth him. If I were the President I’d hunt you down and force those filthy words down you black throat along with your teeth. Get a life, grow up, better yet try to get a job like the rest of us caring, tolerant, open minded loving white folks, you filthy black traitor!

Here’s my response:

Is this racist rant typical for a Trump supporter, or just the worst of the worst? It doesn’t offend me being taken for a black person, although I’m as white as they come, yet with a deep and lasting sun tan from my outdoor activities. Not only were you totally wrong regarding my race, but your rant against me, fits yourself to the hilt. In all likelihood, I am far better educated than you could ever dream of, with a substantial contribution to science and a career anyone would be proud of, plus offspring second to none. I have never in my life had any problems whatsoever with black people! In my rather upscale neighborhood we have black families, very well educated pillars of our society. I have gone to graduate school and shared projects with black guys, and had the opportunity to promote one very fine black man in my own project organization to a substantial position in the large US corporation I worked for as a manager at the time, – not as a minority promotion, but because I felt he was the best one for the job. The feedback I later received from top management was very complimentary.

I will resist the temptation to tell you what I think about someone like you, – you did a pretty good job yourself describing what low-life creature you are. I’m pretty sure Trump would be proud of you, while I am ashamed of how “whities” like you have been treating our brothers and sisters, just because they happened to be born black, – while I happened to be born a privileged white guy, although I wasn’t born with a silver spoon in my mouth, like your trumped up idol in the WH.

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