Religion’s choke hold on Americans can hardly be overstated. The last two Republican occupants of the WH would not have been elected if it hadn’t been for their bible waving. After 9/11, George W. Bush proudly claimed that “I am driven with a mission from God. God would tell me ‘George, go and fight these terrorists in Afghanistan’. And I did. And then God would tell me, ‘George, go and end the tyranny in Iraq.’ And I did.” Which leaves us with the question: Did George’s heavenly advisor also tell him that there were WMDs in Iraq, – although none was found? How incredibly naïve have people to be, to accept and praise such utter nonsense? Whether it was a blatant lie or incredible, mind-blowing superstition, what Bush gave us in the name of religion, was unnecessary, unwinnable wars in the Middle-East, at incredible loss of lives and world reputation, not to mention material destruction. If we had been a more advanced, secular nation, the reaction to someone hearing voices from above, would be, “Yeah, right, – and out you go!”

There are still states in the Bible belt that deny Atheists certain rights, and the majority of voters won’t trust someone without some kind of religion, resulting in a cover up for those non-believers who want a political career.  Statistically, non-believers are far more trustworthy and well behaved, and far less represented in prison, than believers.

In general, people don’t believe in any of the thousands of gods made up through the ages, – except for the one they happened to be indoctrinated with. No evidence whatsoever for any of them, and if anything, the Christian Bible and the Muslim Quran are evidence of the opposite, considering the absolutely impossible stories presented to be from “God”.

So, what could be worse for this nation than religion? As we have seen, the combination of religion and Republicanism!

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