It should be overwhelmingly obvious by now that the only reason Republicans want to limit certain voters’ ability to exercise their constitutional rights, is for themselves to stay in power. That power play has nothing to do with voter fraud or what they may believe is best for the country. It has everything to do with their own frantic clinging to power, against the steadily increasing popular vote against their often anti-American, out-dated policies. There is a growing discrepancy between Republican voters and their representatives in Congress, whose blind obstructionism against anything and everything Democratic, has become their modus operandi. Against such fanatic resistance, it is a miracle if anything gets done, – even the most obvious desires of the vast majority of the population, like better gun control and more fair and open elections, are being obstructed. Imagine being against better background checks to weed out those who time and again prove that they should never be allowed anywhere near firearms! How insane and inconsiderate. And this is not all Trump’s fault. As soon as President Obama was inaugurated, top Republicans got together and conspired to make sure that he wouldn’t be able to do anything, not even projects that they themselves used to be in favor of! That’s American? That’s patriotism, promoting American interests, here and abroad? Cooperative spirit in line with the US Constitution? Yeah, right! How shallow and dishonest, – not to mention un-American and unpatriotic!

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