If it weren’t already abundantly clear to every thinking, honest observer, the Jan. 6. Committee, after just two of the planned hearings, has effectively removed any suspicion of 2020 election fraud.

Who in his or her right mind can still believe Trump’s big lie about an election rigged against him, and that he actually had won by a landslide? None!

What choice did Trump have? His fragile ego prevented him from accepting a loss that those around him told him would be the case, before, during and after the election. But even Trump realized all the legal trouble he would be in without presidential protection. So, his only hope was that enough easily fooled and dishonest people would believe, or at least pretend to buy his big lie and support his numerous, albeit unsuccessful attempts at falsifying the results of the election. It almost worked, thanks to so many ignoramuses, dishonest Republicans, and other traitors.

How in the world could so many vote for someone as flaky, dishonest, immoral and unqualified as Donald J. Trump, although not the majority did, but embarrassing enough for a country trying to look educated. Of course, a lot were the most uneducated, less successful and unaccomplished who saw someone more like themselves, someone who appealed to them, and that they could identify with.

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