While praising godliness and claiming to be holier than thou, many of the more prominent Republican politicians lie, cheat and steal, while most of the rest, including Republican voters, accept such behavior! As their uncontested leader, they are blindly supporting a liar, rapist, cheater, and thief, who has caused the death of perhaps hundreds of thousands of Covid victims by having CDC science reports changed to look better himself. As if that isn’t bad enough, Trump has stolen top secret governmental documents, supported and praised Putin and called him a genius for attacking Ukraine. We may never know to what extent Putin acted on Trump’s encouragement, including his public statement that he trusted Putin more than our own intelligence agencies.  Nor may we ever know what happened to some of the top-secret documents that have disappeared under Trump.

What the better educated and not so easily fooled majority of us knew before Trump was selected to the WH by the outdated, anachronic Electoral College, he has more than proved while in office. His incompetence and lack of leadership skills were appalling. He surrounded himself with criminals, many of which he pardoned before leaving the office he was so unsuited for, and which he abused and misused beyond anyone’s wildest imagination. And this is still the unquestioned leader of the Republican cult?

They preach personal freedom, while taking away women’s most intimate rights.  While frequently referring to the Ten Commandments, they have no problem breaking them, nor do they have any qualm about taking credit for Presidents Biden’s accomplishments that they voted against! Republican integrity at its best!  Their main goal is to prevent Democrats from doing anything, no matter how important for the country, including cleaning up after the previous Republican WH occupant, and regardless of what they may have tried to accomplish themselves! They don’t even want the truth behind the Jan. 6 insurrection! That is the new, Republican patriotism!

I have yet to meet a single Republican who is ashamed of who he voted for, or disturbed by what Trump has done to this country, which they claim to love! Has the decade long dumbing down of America accelerated towards the bottom of the Trump sump?

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