What on flat Earth has the Republican Party done for the country over the last several decades? Anything, except working against Democratic administrations to prevent anything good be done by the “other side”?

The Republican party has always worked against progressive ideas like Social Security and Medicare and are still trying to dismantle both.  The last two Republican, EC-minority selected incompetent WH occupants, gave us unnecessary, unwinnable, and extremely costly wars, a ruined world reputation and respect, and leaving a mess that it has taken Democratic Presidents to clean up. Overall damage to national security caused by Trump, is still unknown and may haunt us for quite a while.

No sooner had the last two Democratic Presidents been inaugurated, before Republican leadership got together and decided to obstruct anything and everthing the incoming administration would try to accomplish, even for projects that they were in favor of before!

Republicans claim to be patriotic, in support of family values, equal, human rights, fair elections. Behind a shroud of fake religiosity, they are none of that. If anything, the opposite, even against finding out what was behind the Jan. 6 insurrection! From being hung up on imaginary Communism in the 50s, now into birtherism, stolen election, anti-wax and various conspiracy theories.

What happened to the old concept of working together towards common good? Don’t Republicans even understand what’s in their own best interest? To quote unqualified Republican Senate candidate Herschel Walker: “Why are there still apes?”

The only positive thing I can come up with, is inspiration to write this book, – although I wish it hadn’t been necessary.

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