Let’s look at some of the worst blunders Republicans have made:

Dwight Eisenhower ruined the hitherto unifying Pledge of Allegiance by adding the splitting “In God we Trust”.

Richard Nixon delayed peace talks in Vietnam hoping to benefit his reelection.

George H. W. Bush declared that non-believers (i.e. irreligious, rational people) shouldn’t even be accepted as citizens.

George W. Bush started unnecessary, unwinnable wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, just because an imaginary voice from a fictional character inside his head told him to.

George W. Bush also stopped stem cell research, – because he thought it was against God’s will!

Mitch McConnel & Co got together and decided that newly elected President Obama should be fought against and prevented from doing anything, no matter how much they may have been for it before, despite Obama being elected by a landslide, both with EC and primary votes.

Republicans repeatedly tried to eliminate Obama’s Affordable Care Act, just because a black Democratic president had initiated it, and regardless how necessary and useful.

Trump stole highly classified documents while he was President and even shared them with outsiders.

Trump let Elon Musk have unrestricted access to anything and everything within Government.

Republicans allowed Trump to have unrestricted, unsupervised and unrecorded private conversations with Putin.

Republicans repeatedly tried to eliminate democratic social welfare initiatives from the 1930’s, like Social Security and Medicare. And now, Trump even talks about withdrawing from NATO, which has kept all member countries safe for over 75 years!

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