What else can it be, if you claim to believe Donald J. Trump’s Big Lie about the 2020 election being rigged against him, stealing from him a landslide victory? Not a fiber of evidence, nothing to support such an illogical claim. Trump and his associates filed 60 lawsuits, – all of which were rejected, and some even laughed out of court, – some by judges installed by him! Besides all polls showing Trump would lose, his closest associates kept telling him he would lose, and why wouldn’t he after such a disastrous first term? What can the claim be based on, except blatant stupidity?

Trump’s insistence that the election was rigged, may have some credence, though, except not rigged against him, but in his favor, as was likely the case in 2016, although he didn’t win the majority of the votes, and wouldn’t have been selected, if it weren’t for the archaic, outdated Electoral College, which for the second time over the last 20 years or so, sent a minority supported unqualified Republican to the WH, – with extremely costly results. Logically, why would foreign adversaries even think about rigging an election against someone so gullible and easily manipulated as Trump, – the ideal WH occupant for outsiders working against the United States.  If they could, they would rig in his favor, and they probably did, both in 2016 and 2020.

Finally, if you claim to support the impossible idea that the election was rigged against Trump, and that he actually won by a landslide, without believing the hoax? Can that be anything but dishonesty? So, are those still supporting Trump’s Big Lie, stupid, dishonest, or perhaps both?

Why Trump keeps promoting the big lie, is obvious enough! His fragile ego can’t stand admitting a loss, while his only hope to avoid prosecution after he lost presidential protection, is to drum up a movement among those stupid or dishonest enough to support his idiosyncratic, self-serving, made-up claim. Even after the latest, treasonous revelations about Trump stealing highly classified governmental documents, leaving folders market “Top Secret” empty, how can anyone in his right mind still support him?  I guess the answer is obvious: no one in his right mind, – unless your purpose is treason. I don’t even know what’s wrong with anyone not regretting ever having voted for Trump! What a shameful record!

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