Oklahoma’s top education official has ordered all public schools in the state to incorporate the Bible into their curriculum as a historical text, while many other states obsessively infested with religion, want the bible to be taught in school!

What a horrible idea to teach from a made-up story book and killer manual! First, let’s strip from the bible(s) all the nonsense, impossible stories and evil orders to kill people for just about anything, from killing adulterers, witches, blasphemers, fortune-tellers, the curious, anyone who sins, gays, all non-Hebrews, non-believers and sons of sinners, anyone who curses God, and any child who hits or disobeys parents, those who work on or disobeys the Sabbath, strangers seen close to a church, those who curses mother or father, men who have sex with other men, any bride discovered not a virgin, anybody in a town that worships the wrong god, and finally, – anyone who kills anyone!

Note that rape seems to be OK according to the bible!

On the other hand, what could the bible encourage impressionable, disturbed kids to do, claiming that they just followed the bible’s instructions? In a country like the US, so infested with religion, with guns, even assault weapons meant for war, freely available to just about anyone!

Would “The bible told me so” be the ultimate defense for a mass murderer? How convenient, how deadly dangerous! Imagine a teacher asking the students what they have done lately to follow the word of “God”, with the response: “I killed someone who didn’t believe in God, using my dad’s gun”. Grade A+!

So, what are we left with after having cleaned it all up? Humanism, plain and simple. That’s it, we are left with good, old-fashioned humanism, which superseded all religions with the most basic of human values, namely, to help and look after each other, which initially spread from families to the wider circles, for eventually being destroyed by religious nonsense.

Have we learned anything from former Republican President George W. Bush, Jr., when he followed biblical command and listened to an imaginary voice inside his head to start a war in Afghanistan, which he obediently did. Then the godly voice told him to attack Iraq. So, he did, with disastrous results from two more wars started by us, and subsequently lost.  Who has ever won a war they started in more modern times, – “god” inspired, or not?

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