No praise earned for your ungraceful way of being hauled out of office, kicking and screaming against the inevitable. Nor do you deserve thanks for what you have done to our reputation around the world, by demonstrating over and over again how uneducated and incompetent you are, and what a vulgar role model you have been,  appealing to the gullible and easily fooled masses who see some communality with their own lack of praiseworthiness.

What you deserve thanks for, is something that Democrats have failed to accomplish, namely destroying the Republican party! That is at least one good thing you have done, – although I realize you may not have understood what you did. Since when has Republican administrations done anything good for the country? All they have done, is mess things up and leave it to the following Democratic administration to clean it all up, – and for the next Republican government to mess it all up again.  Republicanism has only survived thanks to the Electoral College, which trumps the popular vote.  Both Bush jr. and you lost the latter, so neither of you had the majority behind you.

You also helped expose the true, murky mind of evangelists. Despite your disgusting behavior, your lying and cheating, they flocked blindly behind you, despite their conceited claim of virtue! All they wanted, was for you to pack the Supreme court with the intention of controlling other people’s lives!  An ugly mission accomplished, Trumpy!

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Ray Fowler
Ray Fowler
3 years ago

Hello, Jorg

Two weeks ago, on Veterans Day, you insulted American veterans by saying they were unpatriotic, un-American, totally dense and uniformed because they voted for Donald Trump. Today, you insult nearly 74 million persons who did not agree with your choice for president earlier this month.

In your own words… “You don’t need to repeat the same nonsense ad nauseum [sic]… ”

Very likely the comments above will be left on the cutting room floor.


Ray Fowler
Ray Fowler
3 years ago

Cutting room floor? You have deleted comments in the past.

Insulting veterans (on Veterans Day)? Just replay the comments.

But thanks for proving my point… now, according to you, neither veterans nor Catholic priests are sophisticated enough to make their own choices re: who they would like to see in the Oval Office. Can anyone disagree with you without being subjected to personal attacks?

Mercilessly criticize Barack Obama? When? Are we talking about the same Barack Obama who said this week that Americans were “spooked” because a black man was in the White House? Would those be the same Americans who elected then re-elected an African-American to the highest office in the land? Would that be the same Barack Obama who today insulted Hispanic evangelicals?

I have asked you to explain the several scandals associated with the Obama administration on multiple occasions. Your response? Crickets.

Again… Jorg, “You don’t need to repeat the same nonsense ad nauseum [sic]… ”

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