It looks like the abortion issue has become Republicans’ main cause and topic, if not the only one for a party that has nothing to offer anymore, – no program, no platform. The only interests left, are preventing Democrats from doing their job and messing with women’s natural rights, besides clinging to their own undeserved jobs. That’s all.

It wasn’t that long ago that women were burned at the stake, for all kinds of made-up charges. Now, one of their most basic rights, is at stake!

Republicans have been very crafty to capitalize on the misnomer “abortion”. No one is for abortion, per say. It should be an unquestionable right for women to have control over their own bodies, and not for someone else, more or less depending upon where you happen to live! And now they want to go back in time, on a right that was finally established half a century ago, – which is not OK anymore?  How arbitrary! Just because of a religiously infested Supreme Court, rigged with unscrupulous liars by dishonest congressional Republicans. What an utterly sick preoccupation with what others are doing in their privacy, – and especially when it comes to such a tabu-infested activity as sex.

The insanity of it all becomes even clearer when several of the reddest states are ready to outlaw even contraceptives! Why? Because contraceptives aren’t mentioned neither in the US Constitution, nor in the made-up Bible? Nor are cell phones! Outlaw them, too? And how far are the most insane ready to go? Outlaw coitus interruptus, too, as one of the more frequently used methods to avoid an unwanted pregnancy?

And what about spontaneous abortions, which can be natural and unwanted, wanted and done on purpose, or an accident resulting from carelessness, medication, smoking, alcohol or a number of more or less unknown causes. So, if a previously pregnant woman all of a sudden is seen in public prematurely non-pregnant, will a religious zealot report her to the authorities, after which she may have to defend herself? That would be particularly hurtful for a woman who lost a most wanted baby. But why would heartless Republicans care about that? The main point is to score points among voters who are so vengeful and uncaring that they don’t give a hoot about others, and certainly not women!

And let’s not forget women who are deliberately made pregnant by their partners, as a demonstration of masculine power or whatever. Shouldn’t they be allowed to take preventive action?

We are sinking backwards, joining the less progressive nations, instead of staying with the more educated and caring, where human rights in general, and women’s rights in particular, are honored, protected and respected.

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