What’s wrong with them? By far the vast majority still support Trump, despite what he has done to the country, despite all his lies and crimes, and despite his enabling of Putin, who most likely trusted that this gullible and easily manipulated weakling would still be in the WH during his planned Ukrainian maneuver. Thank goodness, we got rid of Trumputin before that happened! Now, in the middle of that scary scenario, they even try to weaken and belittle our President Biden in the eyes of the rest of the world! Of course, we are used to Republican leadership declaring as their # 1 objective to obstruct everything and anything a Democratic administration is trying to accomplish, like they did for President Obama. They even try to explain away the January 6 insurrection as just a “legitimate political discourse”, obstructing the bipartisan efforts to get to the bottom of it. Now, Republican senators even object to putting on a universal no-fly list, violent airline passengers who have attacked crew and tried to open aircraft doors!

We have to ask: What’s wrong with these people? Simply too dumb to comprehend? Uninformed? Misinformed? Confused? Dishonest? Uncaring? Shallow and unreliable? Treasonous and paid off by adversaries, domestic and foreign? These are the people who have been advertising law and order, patriotism, family values, – and honor!  Just empty words, or what?

If cheating isn’t enough, the survival of a party like what the GOP has descended to, is only possible with enough uneducated, gullible and easily fooled voters.

For the majority of Republicans, it is far more important to tear down a Democratic President, than to stand together as a united nation against a dictator that could start WWIII, just by hitting a button!

How incredibly stupid can they be?

And Trump keeps cheering on a deranged dictator like Putin! How’s that for insanity, you Trump supporters?

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