Short of going way back in human history to show the impact of religion, or any other form for superstition for that matter, let’s just remember how German Catholicism and Protestantism made Hitler’s WWII possible. That every German soldier had belt buckles in cast iron with “Got mit Uns” (German version of ‘In God we Trust’), was no joke. It has been shown conclusively that WWII would have been impossible if the religious forces had opposed Hitler, rather than going along with him and even supporting his evil plans, including extermination of the Jews., which Hitler wrote was his way of following God in his “Mein Kampf”. All in the Nazi high command were Christians!

Without evangelical support, neither Reagan, nor Bush jr. or Trump would have been elected to an office they were unqualified and ill prepared for, the last two actually opposed by the majority of American voters, – not to mention world opinion.

Instead of being blindly supported by Republicans, Bush jr. should have been laughed out of office when he claimed that “God told me to go into Afghanistan and Iraq”, both countries ruled by superstition. When did we begin to take seriously people hearing voices in their heads? Approaching the 20th anniversary of 9/11, we should use that catastrophe as a reminder of what blind religious faith can lead to. Does anyone believe that those Islamists responsible would have killed themselves so gleefully, if it weren’t for the promise of beautiful virgins waiting for them on the other side? If that’s not the epidemy of stupidity, or selfishness, I don’t know what is. However, the number 72 of waiting virgins is not promised in the Quran, but added later as an irresistible temptation!

How many youngsters through hundreds of years would have been saved from sexual abuse by Catholic priests if people, and primarily parents, hadn’t been superstitious enough to be fooled by such sick deviants? And how many boys would have been left intact, the way nature intended, if it weren’t for the religiously based circumcision nonsense?

Religion has always fought science and common sense throughout human history, and George W. Bush was no exception when he limited stem cell research as soon as he came into office. Why oppose medical science in such an uninformed manner? Perhaps it isn’t too much of a coincidence that the religiously infested Republican party is so much against science, progress and evolution in general? And contrary to popular claims, religion certainly hasn’t done much for morality! Nor are the Bible, the Quran and other holly scriptures much of a moral guidance. Quite the opposite.

Perhaps better off without religion, and not electing top officials on basis of bible waving and superstitious claims?

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Al Ward
Al Ward
3 years ago

This is another of your numerous articles on this blog that make strong argument in favor of atheism.
But I’m afraid that the events of the past week provide proof of God’s control over the affairs of men.
What explanation of those events could there be, other than that God smiles on the most fanatical of his zealots?

A mob of extremely devout religious fanatics, illiterate goat herders and farm boys led by a medieval theocracy have humiliated the Commander in Chief of the most powerful military in the history of the world.

God chose these fanatics over the devout Roman Catholic, Joe Biden.
It is reminiscent of God causing the walls of Jericho to collapse.

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