Among the many thorny questions debated by the delegates to the 1787 Constitutional Convention, one of the hardest to resolve was how to elect the president, strangely enough. The Founding Fathers debated for months, with some arguing that Congress should pick the president, others insistent on a democratic popular vote, – and why not let the majority decide? Their compromise is known as the Electoral College, with absolutely nothing in common with higher learning! This phony EC has turned out to be quite a costly disaster, both in terms of lives lost, damaged relations internationally, and moneywise, – mainly because of the incompetent Republicans that were lured into the WH, with only a minority backing, and certainly not the brightest and best-informed ones!

Just look at the last several elections: No Republican would have won if it weren’t for the EC, since the majority of the US population has had enough of Republican administrations, – especially the last two under Bush Jr. and Trump!  With Al Gore as President instead of Bush, the 9/11 warning signs may have been acted on, while there would have been no stupid attacks on Afghanistan and Iraq, – unnecessary wars we continue to pay for in so many ways, both started by then WH inhabitant Bush, who listened to an imaginary, “godly” voice inside his head. How stupid can you be!?

And without the EC, Trump, also EC-selected by a minority, would never have made it into the WH, and office way over his head! Trump almost broke the country apart, appealing to the least educated, the lowest of the low, those who could easily and happily identify with someone poorly educated, with limited vocabulary, a racist, rapist and abuser of women, habitual liar, thief, and anti-everything from NATO and soldiers to the handicapped and less fortunate. And now indicted and convicted on multiple accounts! What a role model for the most powerful country in the world, – often with despicable leadership!

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