The FOX fake Jan. 6 review

Dear Blog subscribers:

My book, “Dear Editor & Beyond”, is now out in an updated, 2nd Edition, which contains additional writing and letters to newspapers, and a concluding Synopsis that asks the question:
WWW: What Went Wrong?

Why aren’t we, with all our wealth and resources, and all we have to offer, setting a better example and being a better model for the rest of the world?

My suggested response is: RRR Racism – Religion – Republicanism.

Check it out and let me know what you think.

Because the book is larger now, the price had to be adjusted slightly up to $12.99, and available at The publisher is pushing me for a higher price, but I’m holding for now, so that you all have a chance to order at the lower cost.

It is also available as an Amazon Kindle at $3.99.

As some of you have suggested, the book is nice to keep as a kind of resource if you’re searching for a quick response to some Right-wing nonsense, – whether it has to do with racism, religion, or any of the other numerous hang-ups that still prevail out there on the Right wing.

The FOX fake Jan. 6 review

 As a promised payback for getting the Speakership, proud Speaker Kevin McCarthy honored his promise and gave Tucker Carlson all 41000 hours of Jan. 6 video, with the honorable purpose of proving that the Jan. 6 Committee findings were made up. Out of this collection of secret Capitol videos, the Fox entertainment outlet found no less than 4 minutes of quiet moments, with no violence, and only a few dressed up, bewildered characters who had entered the Capitol illegally, with police making sure that they were guided out and not allowed further roaming around.  And, of course, Trump declares that this completely discredited the remaining part of the 41000-hour, violent packed video.

That hoax put to rest, now Republican controlled House can focus on more important tasks, like making sure that the debt ceiling doesn’t move, since it was moved high enough by no less than 4 actions under Trump’s regime, to accommodate 25% of all accumulated debt since day 1, each move made without any Democratic resistance, so now Republicans must resist further increase, of course, in addition to making sure the Republican girls in the House don’t tear each other’s hair out. 

Coincidentally, at about the same time, MSNBC found unquestionable proof that President Kennedy was not assassinated as claimed, since a video shows him smiling and waving to the crowd while being driven down the same street in Dallas, just shortly before the alleged November 22, 1963 assassination! WOW! If that doesn’t prove that hoax, what would? That should prove that he is still alive, hiding somewhere, at the prime age of 106!

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