Let’s call a spade a spade, and stupidity, i.e., behavior that shows a lack of good sense or judgment, for what it is: dumb!

It should go without saying that the worst, and most costly cases of blatant stupidity, would be starting wars, like all those the US has started, and subsequently lost, over the last 60 years or so. Next would be crimes, costly for the victims, for society, and usually sooner or later for the criminals themselves as well, even for those who aren’t caught.

Then we have all kinds of stupid lies, like “rigged elections” and numerous other political lies that affect gullible voters and swing elections, including the utterly stupid Electoral College, which enables minority selected, incompetent ones like Trump to get into the WH, resulting in enormous cost for the country, as well as the rest of the world, some of which is incalculable.

Let me just list a sample of costly stupidities, like climate change denial, replacing science with religion, racism, QAnon and conspiracy theories, lack of gun regulation, electing incompetents to important governmental positions, – and substituting prayers for action.

Contrary to George Costanza’s statement on Jerry Seinfeld’s sitcom, a lie is still a lie, no matter how stupid you can be to believe it. Especially when used by governmental officials, such lies can be very expensive, whether to get us into wars, like Bush Jr. did, or for various personal gains, imaginary or real.

So, about time to get real, and call stupidity for what it really, is, – stupid!

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