The RIGHT is so WRONG for the country!

Without any meaningful platform or useful program or agenda, the GOP, or Grouchy Old Paranoid cult, has sunk to the bottom and lost all credibility, except among the less educated and most easily fooled. In addition to the top ring- and misleader, lying Trump,  public Republicans are so dishonest that they have a hard time keeping track of their own lies.       

Right after the Jan. 6 insurrection, McConnell, McCarthy and others exposed a rare case of honesty by condemning the instigator, Trump, but quickly joined the cult again, and today even deny what was caught on tape, and trying to explain it all away!  What chutzpah!

The blatant nonsense coming out of Republicans’ mouth, the favoring of QAnon, the science and climate change denial, conspiracy fantasies and religious superstition, lack of common sense and logic, attacks on basic education and women’s health care, burning of books, CRT, – even attacking Disneyland and Mickey Mouse, – there is no end to the lunacy!

And, of course, there is no real difference between the extreme Right and the extreme Left, – like for example between Hitler and Putin! The extremes on both sides meet in the middle, way down there at the sewer bottom of the political circle!

The Right wing across the world continues to be a threat to world peace, progress and improved welfare for all. Without the morons on the Right, the US could have been so much more of a model for the rest of the world. We have what it takes to set an example to be followed and to be proud of.  Instead, thanks to the outdated Electoral College, we got Trumputin, and all the misery that followed, and which still holds us back, with Republicans clinging to all the nonsense for dear life.

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