Trump, – and Republican intellect

Here’s a video that explains a lot about how on flat Earth someone like Donald Trump could “win” the election, albeit without the majority vote and only thanks to the Electoral College, like the other Republican, George W. Bush.
You may want to skip the ad in the beginning, – then after the main video, follow up with the next segment with John Oliver on the American phenomenon of super rich Evangelists and the lax tax code these snake oil sales people enjoy:

Not too much of a surprise, – or what? Explains a lot, doesn’t it?

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Al Ward
Al Ward
5 years ago

Very interesting and totally believable.

It has been previously documented that people who are cognitively more capable (e.g. Hillary voters) are in general people who are university-educated.

Studies show that young people attending university have their minds poisoned by academic elites spouting Progressive propaganda.

Al Ward
Al Ward
5 years ago

Please define “regressive indoctrination” as exercised by Republicans, and also please provide examples of Republicans set on lowering academic standards.

Al Ward
Al Ward
5 years ago

I don’t understand what regressive indoctrination means. Please give examples.
Examples of Progressive propaganda is easy: government should provide equal outcomes because equal opportunity is unfair, Banning travel from nine of the 50 muslim-majority countries in the world is racist, Allowing conservative political ideas to be aired is a danger to The Republic, Open borders and unrestricted immigration is a good thing regardless of the burden it puts on schools, hospitals, and other public services, and the harm it inflicts on poverty-stricken American citizens, Squandering money on keeping the military services properly equipped is a misallocation of resources that should be spent on antipoverty programs ( which have proven to be a failure and in fact antiproductive), The police are racist and should be replaced with????
Question: Are school crossing guards as racist as the police? As an Insider you should know. You would probably have a clearer picture of that if you had worked as a school crossing guard in an impoverished neighborhood where unruly kids from fatherless homes are the norm.

Al Ward
Al Ward
5 years ago

Thanks for the MSNBC viewing advice. Will Rachel Maddow explain what regressive indoctrination means? I hope so because you seem to be unable to do so since I have asked you twice.

By the way I forgot to include a prevalent line of thinking emanating from the Progressive Elites of academic America. That is that America is a force for evil in the world, founded by racist slave owners, expanded across the continent through genocide, etc etc. I learned that from CNN and MSNBC.

Al Ward
Al Ward
5 years ago

If conservative ( not necessarily Republican) right-wing nonsense is regressive indoctrination, why is it that the examples of progressive propaganda that I listed above were all learned as I listened with an open mind to the ideas expressed by people like Lawrence O’Donnell, Chris Matthews, Joy Reid, and Van Jones?

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