Trumpocrazy coming our way?

While there are some clear differences between Republicans and Democrats at the core, we can argue about whether we have a democracy or a republic, or whether there is any difference at all. That the Founding Fathers wanted us as far away from the old European monarchies as possible, should be no ground for much argument.

However, if Donald Trump really gets elected, despite efforts to redistribute electorates in some states with questionable results, we need a new term. What about “Trumpocrazy”?
You won’t find it in dictionaries yet, but “Trump” is defined as “an advantage involving surprise”, “Trump up” means “fabricate or invent … accusations, excuses, etc.”, while “Trumpery” is defined as “worthless finery, delusive, shallow”.
The latter part, “crazy” is defined as “insane or mad, foolish, extremely enthusiastic, unrestrained”.
Therefore, the term “Trumpocrazy” is introduced if the uniquely unqualified Donald Trump
should, heaven forbid, end up as our next President, – an unprecedented dent in our otherwise respectable
political history.

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Al Ward
Al Ward
8 years ago

Pretty clever. Do you have an idea as to how to get this creative term adopted? Perhaps just feed it to all of the Leftie media: newspapers, MSNBC, ABC, etc. Possibly it will end up in Webster’s and the Oxford English.
As to Trump being unqualified….well, we’ll see.
His clownish showman’s act got him to where he is. That was not by accident.
Maybe as he adjusts to putting on his presidential hat, his showman’s hat will fall off.
I certainly hope so, and time will tell.

The Progressives will continue their outrage no matter what he does…that is a given.
But he may wind up doing a good job of turning the nation away from its path toward progressive wishful daydreams…he isn’t stupid…and I wonder if the impulsiveness is just part of the showman’s act.

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