This is the embarrassing gallery of superstitious ignorami Donald J. Trump has picked for his cabinet:
Carson: Evolution is from the Devil!
DeVos: Put God in schools!
LtGen Flynn: Christianity is at war with Islam!
Perry: Fire? Pray for rain!
Pompeo: Evil is all around us until the Rapture!
Perdue: Drought? Pray for rain!
Pruitt: Hand out bibles in schools!
Sessions: Secular people can’t understand the truth!
And those characters are supposed to “Make America Great Again”?
Instead, they will set us back and “Make America Regret Again”, – not to mention making us the laughing stock of the developed world!
As if we haven’t had enough of Republican administrations and the damage they cause! Haven’t we seen how backwards and outright dangerous they are? When will we learn? The Trump administration may even turn out to be worse than the one preceding President Obama’s progressive reign, which leaves a question of when we can expect to be back on track again to a better, safer and more equal society? Will we ever? Or, perhaps that train has left for good?