How could anyone with a fiber of morality and common decency vote for such a sleezy character as Donald J. Trump, especially after the p-grabbing video, – with him bragging about his totally unmanly behavior towards women? The only ones I can think of, might be women so lonely and lacking attention that they might fantasize about it, kind of, and unmanly characters so unsuccessful with women that they might dream about it, without daring to be so uncivilized themselves.  And The Evangelicals, of course, who saw an opportunity to take away one of women’s most intimate rights, to control their own body! Can’t have that, of course, so vote for Trump!

While Trump claiming he was a top student, yet threatening laws suits if anyone disclosed his grades, it turned out that he was a lousy student, with at least one professor claiming he was the dumbest student he had ever encountered. I guess that has some appeal to the similarly uneducated, slow learners. Trump’s English is so bad that he would be lucky to get the third highest grade in the elementary school final exam, after 2 years of English, where I came from.

In 2016 Trump was barely selected thanks to the Electoral College, foreign help and Republican cheating. Despite a horrible first term, with a lot of damage done, his brainless MAGA-followers wanted to give him another chance to take the country completely off the cliff. Even after all the revelations about stealing top secret governmental documents and inciting the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol, his blind followers keep supporting him!

And what do his brainless followers do now? They threaten and make life miserable for election workers, authors with inside knowledge publishing the truth about him, Colorado Supreme Court justices correctly banning him from office, and others they don’t like. They are all convinced that the 2020 election was rigged against their idol Trump, just because a liar like him claims that, against all evidence of the opposite, despite all Trump’s failed lawsuits and all logic and common sense. They don’t even grasp that the overriding reason for Trump’s desperation, is that without presidential protection, he would be held responsible for all his crimes, and very likely end up in prison, where he belongs. Even as dumb as Trump is, that’s an outcome he realized, and that’s the main reason why he has been so desperate after losing the re-election.

Too many so-called Republicans are so shallow that no democrat like a black Barack Obama, or a qualified politician like Hillary Clinton, or any Democrat no matter what, would be acceptable. Instead, a so-called Republican any time, regardless of incompetence and lack of morality and honesty!

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