Eks-president Trump seems to know more about voter fraud than the rest of us! Even with wide-spread voter fraud in Trump’s favor, it is difficult to explain the tens of millions voting for him. Could it be that so many identify with him, for a variety of reasons? For some it may simply be a false feeling of self-worth being labeled as a Republican, instead of a common Democrat, – easily reinforced for someone only paying attention to R-infested media, and shying away from more complete and realistic news coverage. Then we have those who wouldn’t vote for a Democrat no matter what, or so indoctrinated that socialism, communism and all kinds of other horrible isms, in addition to sky rocketing taxes, would be the immediate result of a Democratic administration, – not to mention loss of freedom and divine protection. Trump appeals to racists and white supremacists, and has set an example making it look like lying and cheating are OK, which may attract some. Not having done particularly well in school, may appeal to some in the same situation. If you don’t understand math and science, – how convenient not to believe in it! For guys without much luck with women, even p-grabbing may seem acceptable and fun. Name calling, a limited vocabulary and simple language may appeal to certain individuals, while coming off as a “rough” guy attracts others.  Multiple marriages, bankruptcies and repeat personnel hiring failures make it more acceptable for others in similar situations. And, of course, waving the Bible and claiming to be religious, is enough to convince the gullible that he is one of them! Some may look at their 401k, without realizing that Trump has been riding high on President Obama’s economic recovery. And again, one has to ask the obvious question: would they have felt differently if Trump were black, or for that matter, – if President Obama had been white? That’s not waving a race card, – it is a very logical thought.

Trump’s childish and wide-spread name-calling of his opponents aside, – I don’t know how to characterize in a polite way people who find him worthy of the US Presidency and occupant of the highest office in the world, – a world that rightfully calls him a laughingstock. How can they take him seriously? Someone who characterizes himself as a “very stable genius” for being able to recall 5 simple, common words, and then brags about it publicly, referring to the cognitive testers being impressed by his fantastic recollection! Someone who couldn’t even take the SAT himself and whose grades were so bad that he has threatened to sue anyone who dares to expose his obviously very meager academic records.  Someone who denies science and gets into a debate with a 16-year old climate change spokes-person, – and loses. Someone who has been lying and cheating his way through life, leaving a string of bankruptcies and unpaid contractors, – not to mention his unmanly behavior towards women. Someone who, as the supposed leader of the greatest nation on earth, surrounds himself with criminals and incapable people. If OK for the occupant of the most important office in the world, – perhaps any loser would feel better about himself? Trump has demonstrated that in America, anyone can become President! Obama may have been hard to live up to, while Trump is easy to live down to. What an appeal!

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