Trump’s personality trump

Republican presidential hopeless Donald Trump just announced at a Republican National meeting that he would shift his personality to attract
women, minorities and others for the general election.
I wonder how women, minorities, and “others” react to Trump thinking they are as easily fooled as his current gullible followers? What a winning strategy!

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Al Ward
Al Ward
8 years ago

The primary contest results so far are proof of not only the gullibility, but also of the the angry irrationality of the voting public.
And primary voters are supposedly the ones in the electorate who are the thoughtful ones paying the most attention!
Give me a break! The top three are The Donald, Hillary and Bernie.
Proof positive that the electorate has lost its collective mind.
Outrageousness appears to be a winning strategy.
Any one of these three in the White House is potential disaster for the nation.
When the unwashed masses go to vote in November…ooh boy! I’m making no predictions.

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