Trumpsky ‘s fear of Mueller investigation

If Donald Trump were squeaky clean and had nothing to hide, he would understand, or his council would advice him, that it would be to his advantage to let the Mueller team run its course and end up finding nothing, declaring him totally innocent of any wrongdoing. In that case, home free and looking good.
However, if he is afraid of what may be revealed and likely destroy his entire presidency, perhaps most of his trumped up life, he would do whatever he could to prevent the investigation from going forward, – as he clearly seems to do now.
On the other hand, if Trump succeeds in stopping the investigation, there will always be a lingering doubt about what it was all about, and what he was so afraid would be exposed.
What would any sensible person do, if he had nothing to hide, – or had?
Quite logical, actually, – not that I would ever associate logic with someone like Donald Trump.

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Ray Fowler
Ray Fowler
7 years ago

Hi, Jorg

Happy New Year!

Well, the good thing is that Mueller and his team are 100% bias-free… if you look past Mueller and Comey’s close relationship, the political contributions to Hillary’s campaign by special counsel investigators, the social media attacks against Candidate Trump by those investigators, the involvement of Mueller’s team in drafting the “reckless carelessness” report on Hillary’s emails before she was interviewed about using private email servers, and a recent Harvard poll that says Americans believe Mueller has a “conflict of interest” in his role as special counsel.

The President does not have to fire Mueller… he would be foolish to do so. Discrediting Mueller’s team and the team’s competency is a much better strategy. As for Democrats, they keep chanting the “collusion” refrain over and over but when they stop long enough to catch their breath, they’ll have to explain their role in fabricating the Trump “dossier.”

Coming full circle to the issue of special counsels… when will an investigation be launched into the Obama administration’s complicity in letting Hezbollah continue to sell drugs and launder money so the Iran nuclear deal could be finalized?

Thank, God… I’m a California NPPer. Albert Jay Nock was never more prescient than when he said over 80 years ago, “If every jobholder in Washington were driven into the Potomac tonight, their places would be taken tomorrow by others precisely like them.” True in 2012… true in 2016.

Ray Fowler
Redwood City, CA

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