Republican presidential hopeless Donald Trump has been flooding cyberspace with e-mails stating what a loser, even “devil”, Hillary Clinton is, and what a disaster it will be if she gets elected!
Is he simply plagiarizing the same sentiment expressed by Republicans when Bill Clinton was running: a total disaster for the country if he, heaven forbid, should win the presidency?!
Even worse when Barack Obama was running: that would certainly be the end of the nation as we knew it!
We have now seen the rather positive results from two Democratic presidents, as well as the real disaster left by the Republican president-select in-between, George W. Bush!
Still, Donald Trump keeps clinging to the old Nazi scheme that made Joseph Goebels infamous: Repeat a lie often enough, and eventually enough people will take it as the truth. And for Trumpy’s e-mails I have to add: provided enough people are dumb enough!
Both former successful Democratic presidents are heartily supporting the current Democratic nominee, while none of the past Republican presidents were willing to at least attend the convention for the Republican contender, – not even the one who practically tore the country apart would lower himself to do so.
Something to learn here?
And now, evangelical Republican VP nominee, Mike Pence seems to be smitten by the Nazi lie
trick, too, – judging from the flood of e-mails praising Trumpy: same content, different headings.
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