Trumpy’s recount fear

Republican boisterous presidential candidate Donald Trump kept claiming that the election was rigged and that he wouldn’t accept the outcome, – unless he won.
Now that it is over and it looks like he is the winner, he goes ballistic over the recount effort planned for the swing states with the most suspicious outcome.
Sounds like he knew something, but wasn’t quite sure it would work, and now that it did, he’s afraid it will be exposed. That could be very embarrassing, of course.

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Al Ward
Al Ward
8 years ago

HRC conceded the election to Trump and in her speech graciously requested that everyone should keep an open mind regarding his presidency (what an accomplished actress she is).
Now the truth of what HRC really thinks is shown by her letting her people go along and join with Jill Stein’s ridiculous recount circus.
What this appears to be is just another Democrat fund raising effort. To find the truth, follow the money.

How much better off Trump would be if he just ignored this recount silliness. It should be beneath him, unworthy of his attention.
But being Trump, that doesn’t seem possible.

Al Ward
Al Ward
8 years ago

Speaking of going into a ditch and not having learned anything, I see that today the progressive congressional nitwits re-elected Nancy Pelosi as leader of the minority party. If you look across the country you see Democrats in their weakest position in decades. Not just the US Congress, but also governorships and state assemblies. It appears that California’s Pelosi will continue to lead the Democrat charge to oblivion.
Thank goodness that all that remains of HRC and her supporters is a floundering around of pinning pathetic hopes on recounts.
Thanks to the election of the Great Showman, Trump, the SCOTUS is safe for a generation.

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