The Electoral College was highly controversial and a hastily put together compromise by tired founders in the beginning of the nation, mainly conceived to give the smaller nations a better feeling of power among the larger ones. So, let’s look at the results just from this current century:

First of all, the EC gave us a minority selected George W. Bush, Jr., who wasted no time getting us into two unnecessary, unwinnable and bloody wars we are still paying for and suffering from, the Afghanistan and Iraq catastrophes, mostly because a voice inside his head told him so! Bush stopped stem cell research and deemphasized science, tanked the economy, and ignored 9/11 signs and let that disaster happen, before President Obama took over to clean up the mess, rescue the economy, and restore our reputation and standing in the world at large.

After 8 rather successful years under a Democratic administration, Donald J. Trump was selected with the help of the EC, likely foreign adversaries rigging the 2016 election, lies about his contender Hillary Clinton, and naïve and easily fooled voters. One can hardly imagine anyone less prepared and educated for the highest and most important office in the world, than Donald J. Trump, poorly educated, with a string of bankruptcies behind him, a selfish braggart, p-grabber and rapist, who managed to add almost 30% to the national debt, ruined the economy again, made it his mission to tear down what his Democratic, black predecessor had accomplish, no matter what, while quickly making himself a laughingstock around the world, which brought endless shame over the US presidency.

And now, Trump has a series of lawsuits against him, involving insurrection, theft of governmental documents, attempts at changing the 2020 election results, call-girl pay off, and a string of questionable actions, still being uncovered.

If it hadn’t been for the Electoral College, all this would have been prevented. The EC also means that minority votes in the various states are ignored in the total, in sharp contrast with a democratic election where all votes contribute to, and are counted, towards to total. With a majority-based election system, instead of the biased EC, no more incompetent Republican WH occupants will be selected. After what we have seen, wouldn’t we, as well as the rest of the world, be better off, far, far better off? Why keep an already dying Republican cult artificially alive?

And there are still serious unknowns, like what Trump may have shared with Putin, including governmental documents, and to what extent the Russian dictator was encouraged to attack Ukraine, certainly hoping that Trump would be re-selected, partly with foreign help, like in 2016. Trump holding back the already approved Ukraine package, was certainly no help for that country, either, but we’ll never know the full impact of that very selfish act.  

So, what were the positive contributions from the Electoral College?

Any suggestions?

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