Yes, what if Trump’s presidency eventually is deemed invalid due to all the problems associated with his EC-minority selection, like foreign interference and assistance, especially from Russia, voter suppression, and various forms of cheating, including illegal cover-up of vital information of value for the voters?

If that would happen, directly in line with majority thinking, what would or should happen to at least some of Trump’s actions?

Could for example his pardons be undone, especially all those granted to the serious criminals he always surrounded himself with, and possibly other questionable pardons granted here and there and everywhere? Perhaps a tighter definition of pardoning rules is also called for?

What about Trump’s Right-Wing Supreme Court appointments, moving the highest court of the land to the extreme Right? Imagine how it would benefit the country if SCOTUS was more balanced, as in the past, and preferably with more Atheists on the Court? Today, the US Supreme Court is contaminated with religiosity, contrary to the Secular US Constitution. One Republican-selected justice even claims that the country should return to more “godliness”, thus moving backwards to an even more superstitious period more progressive countries have left far behind. If we ever needed an ethics code for the Court, it is highly overdue!

What about it?

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