“Personal freedom” has been the Republican slogan for ages. What do they really mean by “freedom” when they strip women of their reproductive freedom and people young and old of their literary freedom?

Do they instead mean freedom to misinterpret the 2nd Amendment and let any lunatic run around with assault weapons, killing young and old at will? Or do they mean the freedom to let an ill-informed minority select an incompetent presidential misfit who starts wars because a godly voice inside the head told him so? Or do they mean the freedom to let a minority select a WH occupant most famous for his lying, cheating, stealing, swindling, p-grabbing, and taking classified governmental documents declaring them “his” property? Or the freedom for a top WH inhabitant to surround himself with crooks and criminals, – as long as he is a so-called Republican?

Or do they mean freedom to use the Electoral College to invalidate minority votes in each state, or to use various tricks and arrangements to block certain voters from exercising their constitutional right to vote? Or the freedom to hold back any kind of progress in the name of “conservatism”? Or the freedom to fill the courts with religionists and let SCOTUS justices do whatever pleases them, with no accountability? Or simply let some have the freedom to decide what others can and cannot do?

So, what exactly do they mean by “Personal Freedom”? Or just another empty slogan to fool the gullible?

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