Indeed, what in the world is so wrong with Republicans, even faithfully and ignorantly supporting someone like the always-lying Donald Trump, despite their alleged religiosity, as fake and shallow as it may be? How is it possible to be so naïve, uninformed, or even mal-informed? Trump is a multi-convicted felon, with hundreds of millions in judgement against him, a liar, a thief of governmental top secrets, a cheater and convicted rapist, with so many bankruptcies that he can hardly be considered a successful businessman, as he claims to be. What on Earth is the infatuation about him, – such a repetitive loser? He is so mellow in dictator Putin’s hands, that we must wonder what Putin has on him of embarrassing evidence, – like the rumor about having peed on a prostitute lying in bed in Moscow, video recorded in secrecy, no doubt.  How manly is that?

Trump is the worst braggard in political history, bar none! He even claims to have been a superior student, while his teachers admit he is the dumbest they have ever encountered, so shallowly schooled that his dad couldn’t even pay him into USC’s film school! He brags about being able to remember for a few minutes, and then recall a few simple words, claiming that the psychologists who set out to test his sanity were so impressed by his genius! I am 100% convinced that he would flunk with flying colors the English test we had to go through at the end of elementary school back in Norway! Not a chance he would pass, – in a scholastic environment where all tests are graded in secrecy, with no say on the part of the teacher, and no chance to pay the graders for a better outcome for a poor student, – like here in some Republican-infested areas.

Republicans seem to be so fascistic that they need a leader to tell them what to do and what to think, not to mention what to vote, like their own Adolph Hitler Führer, Donald Trumpf. My goodness, – and people vote for him, trying to get him back into the WH again, from where he has already managed to do so much irreparable harm to the country, and the rest of the world? Will they ever learn? I guess not.

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