If we look back at the more recent Republican administrations, it is striking not only how much damage has been done, but it is getting progressively worse! From Nixon and Reagan, through both Bush1 and Bush2, one might think it couldn’t get any worse than the unnecessary wars based on lies that Bush2 started! Then came Donald Trump and trumped them all, – so to speak.  While President Obama was able to rectify at least some of George W. Bush’s wrong doings and save the economy from going off the cliff, Trump’s #1 objective was to destroy everything Obama had accomplished, regardless of cost and consequences. In short order Trump managed to make a laughingstock of himself around the world, and an embarrassment here at home. He has demonstrated the epitome of ineptness and a complete lack of ability to attract and keep people qualified for the various important governmental jobs. He was stupid enough to engage in a twitter exchange with 16-year old Swedish environmentalist Greta Thunberg, – only to emerge with egg all over his face. Lies are second nature for Trump, – which adds to the mystery why evangelicals flock behind him, regardless of him demonstrating the exact opposite of what they have been preaching to the rest of us, – especially us more on the secular side.  Is that what it takes to do irreparable harm to the country, – Republicanism even more infested with religion than before? While it took someone of President Obama’s caliber to rescue us after the Bush administration, it is still an open question whether it will be possible to find someone capable enough to undo all the damage Trump has done. I’m afraid, a lot may be irreparable, including our former reputation as a world leader and guiding light.

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